Visiting professorProject Home institution

Dr John Pretlove

Process automation

Integrated performance analysis of plant operation

ABB Strategic R&D for Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Oslo

Academic visitorProject Home institution

Elena Fitkov-Norris

ERP-MES-PCS integration

Department of Informatics and Operations Management, Kingston University, UK

Visiting researchersProject Home institution

Yuanyuan Ma

Time synchronization of large data sets from disparate sources.

ABB Strategic R&D for Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Oslo. Marie Curie Fellow in Real-Smart FP7 Industry Academic Pathways and Partnerships project.

Adele Moen Slotsvik

Power system frequency control.

Statnett, Oslo. Marie Curie Fellow in Real-Smart FP7 Industry Academic Pathways and Partnerships project.

Anne Mai Ersdal

Model predictive control for power system frequency control

NTNU Trondheim

Øystein Kirkeluten

Using real-time measurements for monitoring and management of power transmission dynamics for the Smart Grid.

Statnett, Oslo. Marie Curie Fellow in Real-Smart FP7 Industry Academic Pathways and Partnerships project.

Erlend Meland

Condition monitoring of safety-critical shutdown valves

NTNU Trondheim

Jørgen Spjøtvold

Early fault detection and diagnosis: on-shore monitoring to support off-shore oil and gas platforms

ABB Strategic R&D for Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Oslo

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622